Reset Password
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You must have a User ID and password to log into your account. After you have created your account, you can change your password at any time.
  1. To reset your password, enter the primary account holder's Social Security Number, the primary account holder's Date of Birth, your 16 digit EBT Card Number, and a Password twice for confirmation. Click the SUBMIT button and you will be taken to a screen where you will respond to the security questions you chose/answered during Account Creation. When you enter the correct answer your Password will be reset, and you may re-try login.
  2. Your password must be at least 8 characters long but no more than 12 characters long. You can use any combination of letters or numbers in the password, with at least one capital letter, one lower case letter, and one number.
  3. Once you have created your new account, your User ID does not change. The User ID will display on the "Login to Your Account" screen so that you can see it if all the information entered to reset your password is correct.
  4. Click on the SUBMIT button when done.
Please call 1-866-386-3071 if you are still having trouble accessing the Client Portal after trying to use the Reset Password function.
  Create User Account  Create User Account
  Forgotten User ID  Reset Password
  Reset Password Reset Password